Chandigarh Sept 30: Bhartiya Kisan Union today said it will block road traffic moving from Punjab and Haryana to Delhi tomorrow in support of their demands including MSP as per Swaminathan Commission report. BKU (Lakhowal) President Ajmer Singh Lakhowal said that farmers would block road at Phagwara, Khanna, and Banur in Punjab to stop traffic from moving towards Delhi.
He further said that traffic would also be blocked at Noida and Ghaziabad to press the Centre to accept their demands. The blockade would start at 11 am and would remain till 3 pm, he said.
The agitating farmers are demanding crop rate as per MS Swaminathan Commission report, farm debt waiver, compensation for cotton growers of Punjab and Haryana, fixation of MSP for basmati rice crop, insurance for crops and pension scheme for farmers.