HYDERABAD: By making baseless and false allegations against VII Nizam Nawab Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur and other Asif Jahi rulers, most of the communal elements try to mislead young generation.
It must be noted that Asif Jahi rulers especially the Seventh Nizam, Mir Osman Ali Khan Bahadur took very good care of their Hindu subjects. Asaf Jah VII was secular to the core and regarded Hindus, and Muslims as his two eyes.
Though a strict follower of Islam, Nizam VII of independent Hyderabad displayed exemplary tolerance towards other faiths.
Despite opposition, he appointed Hindus on major posts and was generous in donations to temples.
He patronized learning institutions by giving huge funding for Hindu Educational Institutions besides financing several socio-charitable institutions.
The following are the two royal edicts or Farmaan by Mir Osman Ali Khan, dated 22 years apart, of money grants to the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and the Benares Hindu University.
On the request of Nobel Laureate Sir CV Raman, Mir Osman Ai Khan donated Rs 1 lakh for Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc), Bangalore. Similarly, on the request of Madan Mohan Malaviya, he sanctioned a grant of Rs. 10 lakh for Banaras Hindu University (BHU) in Varanasi.
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan too requested fund for Aligarh Muslim University for which he granted Rs. 5 lakh. When Sir Syed Ahmed Khan asked the reason behind this discrimination (granting Rs. 10 lakh for Hindu University and Rs. 5 lakh for Muslim University), he clarified that Hindu population is much more than Muslim population.
These little-known details by the erstwhile Nizam’s regime were an eye opener for the communal elements who spew venom against the Muslim rulers by distorting history.