Dehradun: Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat on Friday said the farm sector reform bills passed in Parliament will eliminate middlemen and give farmers the freedom to sell their produce anywhere inside or outside mandis.
Describing the Central government under Prime Minister Narendra Modi as the most sympathetic to farmers, Rawat said the farm legislations will revolutionize their lives.
“There are provisions in these bills which will enable farmers to sell their produce at fair prices inside or outside the mandis,” Rawat said at a press conference here.
The bills have put an end to the role of middlemen and paved the way for farmers to connect directly with the markets, he said.
The Chief Minister said some people are misleading farmers by spreading lies about the bills but the farmers should understand that they are meant for reforms in the agriculture sector and their benefit.
Farmers’ welfare has always been the Prime Minister’s priority and it is at the root of these bills, Rawat said.
The agriculture ministry budget at the time of UPA in 2009 was Rs 12,000 crore which now stands at Rs 1.34 lakh crore, he said.
Out of this amount, Rs 92,000 crore has reached the accounts of farmers under the PM KISAN Yojana through direct benefit transfer (DBT), the chief minister said.
He also spoke of the hike in the MSPs of paddy, wheat, Masur, mustard, and barley and a package of Rs 1 lakh crore announced by the Centre for the creation of agricultural infrastructure.