Mumbai: Mufti Abdul Qayyum, a victim of Police high-handedness, has filed a case in an Ahmedabad court against the police officers who implicated him in Akshardham 2002 terror attack. On the basis of false charges and fabricated evidence, he was sentenced to death by Ahmedabad POTA court. Gujarat high court upheld the lower court verdict but the Supreme Court in 2014 overturned the lower courts’ verdicts and set him and his five co-accused free.
Mufti Abdul Qayyum has filed the case against the then Police Commissioner DG Vanzara, GL Singhal (ACP crime branch, Ahmedabad), inspectors RD Patel and VD Vanar. He has also named Gujarat Government as a culprit in his case and demanded a compensation of Rs. 50,205,000.
Mufti Abdul Qayyum and his co-accused were kept police custody and jail for 11 years during which they were subjected to all kinds of torture, humiliation and blackmail to force them to accept their “guilt” and sign on confessions prepared by the police. The Supreme Court acquitted them honorable saying they were innocents who were framed in the Akshardham case.
Mufti Abdul Qayyum is getting the legal support of Jamiat Ulama Hind in this endevour. He said that his main aim is to deter unscrupulous police officers so that think many times in future before implicating innocents in fake cases. Mufti Abdul Qayyum has narrated his ordeal in his Urdu book “11 Saal Salakhon Ke peeche” which has also been translated into English as “11 Years behind bars”. These two books will soon be republished by Pharos Media.
Courtesy: Milli Gazette