Hyderabad: A sudden move by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), which issues Aadhar cards to Indian citizens has kicked off a controversy after it served notices to certain individuals in and around Hyderabad. Many people including from old city are reportedly been asked to appear before an inquiry officer February 20 at Royal function hall in Balapur.
In wake of this action, UIDAI has come under sharp criticism and lawyers from Telangana Advocates JAC has raised objections to this and questioned its jurisdiction. The JAC termed the action as contrary to the provisions of law, uncontitutional and arbitrary.
A purported notice duly signed by Amita Bindroo, Deputy Director who is also Inquiry Officer was issued to one Sattar Khan a resident of Talabkatta area in old city has gone vrial on social media. The notice contents are as of tha, “Whereas the office has received a complaint/allegation that you are not an Indian National and you have obtained Aadhaar Card through false pretences, making false claims and submitting false documents. An enquiry has been ordered by the Regional office, UIDAI, Hyderabad to ascertain the veracity of complaint/allegation.
“Whether UIDAI has any authority to decide the nationality of an individual, serving of impinge notices from the Aadhar card authorities to the innocent citizens, during a time when public are in chaos and this will further put citizens in more state of confusion” said Vali ur Rahman a member of Telangana Advocates JAC against NPR,CAA and NRC. We will provide all necessary help and legal aid to those who have received notices.