Bengaluru (Karnataka): Amid the row over the seizure of more than 9,000 fake voter identity cards from a Bengaluru flat, Sanjiv Kumar, Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) for Karnataka, said two people have been arrested in connection with the case and there is a possibility of more arrests.
“This is a very serious matter. Two people have been arrested as of now. There is a possibility of more arrests.
(The) case is currently being investigated,” Kumar said while addressing a press conference here in Bengaluru.
Speaking to ANI, Kumar said, “We are trying to reach the truth at the earliest. However, one thing is certain that nobody has broken into our system and no new voter ID cards have been made.”
For those unversed, 9,746 voter ID cards were found from a flat in SLV Park View Apartment in Bengaluru’s Jalahalli locality last night, following which Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) had accused Congress of orchestrating the racket to gain an advantage in the upcoming state assembly polls.
In return, Congress has claimed that the flat belongs to a BJP-linked person.
Meanwhile, the BJP also demanded the cancellation of polling in Rajarajeshwari Nagar constituency where assembly elections are due on May 12 along with the rest of the state.
The results for the same will be declared on May 15. (ANI)