Hyderabad: The Central government had announced scrapping of Rs. 1000 and Rs. 500 notes in order to get rid of the “fake currency”, but did it succeed in its aim? With the new fake Rs. 2000 notes in circulation this claim also seems to be hollow. In two separate incidents, Odisha Police arrested a youth on charge of circulating fake
Rs 2,000 notes and recovered Rs 4.8 lakh stocked in the newly-introduced denomination post the Centre’s demonetisation move. Two freshly minted Rs 2,000 notes were found on the two militants who were gunned down on Tuesday in an encounter by security forces in Jammu and Kashmir’s Bandipora district. This shows that government has not completely succeeded in getting rid of fake currency.
It is surprising to note that Rs. 2000 fake currency was seized at the outskirt of Hyderabad within two days of issuance of new currency on November 10. Even as Rs 2,000 notes printed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) was yet to reach banks everywhere, the first fake note of this denomination surfaced in Gujarat.
Government had claimed that it was not a child’s play to print fake Rs. 2000 notes but it is shocking to see that the notes were smaller in length and breadth.
Common people were still to know how a Rs. 2000 currency note looks like but before that fake currency makers had already started circulating fake Rs. 2000 notes in the market. This puts a question mark on the secrecy maintained by the government before printing new currency.