Hyderabad: Mr.Sheshagiri Rao had lodged a complaint with Shamsabad police that his son, Praveen Kumar who had arrived at Hyderabad Aiport from London has been kidnapped by a cab driver.
Police got alert and contacted immigration officials at the airport. It was revealed that no such passenger came to Hyderabad from London.
Few hours later, Mr. Sheshagiri Rao informed the police on the phone that his son has come back.
DCP of Shamsabad, Mr. C.Prakash Reddy told the news reporters that Praveen has been living in Hyderabad for the past two years and he never went to London.
The boy had given false information to his parents.
On investigation, it was revealed that it was a fake complaint.
Later, Mr. Sheshagiri Rao withdrew his complaint.
Source: Siasat News