Hyderabad: Faiz-e-Aam Trust presented educational aid to brother Mohammed Shahbaz and sister Neha Anjum, residents of Borabanda. Former RBI director Mr. S A Husain and his wife Farida Husain introduced them to Faiz-e-Aam trust, where Secretary Faiz-e-Aam Trust Mr. Iftekhar Husain encouraged them and paid the educational expenses of Shahbaz from 2006 to 2017 i.e. from LKG to 10th class. The boy passed SSC with 82 pc marks and was given admission in MS College in intermediate MPC.
Remarkably Shahbaz’s elder sister Neha Anjum also secured 98 pc in SSC. Their father is a fruit vendor hence could not afford to pay the fee. The girl wants to become Chartered accountant. She was also given admission in Sultan-ul-Uloom College. Both were presented cheques by Mr. S A Husain.
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