Facebook to roll out magnified right-hand column ads to make them hard to miss

Facebook is reportedly planning to increase the size of the advertisements that are shown in the right-hand column on its Web site, in an attempt to attract more attention.

The ads will start appearing on the Facebook Web site later this month.

According to Cnet, they will have the same aspect ratio of the ads that run in News Feed and span the full width of the right column, which means marketers can run the same image in any of their ads and members will see fewer ads displayed in the right column.

Altimeter digital advertising and media analyst Rebecca Lieb said that fewer, larger, more visual ads are more noticeable and arresting.

Lieb said that Facebook has been promising for a while that it will discontinue the rather cheesy ads it’s been running in the right-hand bar, adding that this new product is more premium and will prove more effective too, the report added. (ANI)