Facebook declining in popularity, Google Glass to be next big thing: Tech Guru

Washington, May 31 (ANI): In an annual report by a Tech guru, the Saudis are over sharers on the internet with 60 percent indicating they share ”everything” or ”most things” online, while the Japanese are most secretive when it comes to sharing personal information online. Mary Meeker, the former Wall Street research analyst, analyzes the Internet trends and consumption pattern of users suggesting that on an average a person checks their smartphone 150 times a day. As reported by New York Daily News, Americans were found to be ”sharing underachievers”. Meeker said that gadgets like Google Glass and Jawbone”s fitness-tracking wristband Up will be big in the coming years. She added that the technology cycle would also include computers that are ”drivable, flyable and scannable”. Amongst social media sites, Facebook is the major social network that is in decline yet tops the list followed by YouTube and Twitter. Meeker in her report said that Internet is flourishing but the mediums are changing pointing towards the need for advertisers to put more attention towards advertising on mobile, the report added. (ANI)