IT Minister KT Rama Rao today exhorted the students to face challenges by remaining very strong mentally and physically. Lamenting over the trend of ending lives by the youth over petty issues, he asked the students to be psychologically strong. “You should be like MS Dhoni, who never loses his coolness despite difficult situations during the match,” he added.
The Minister inaugurated the regional centre of Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge (TASK) near Adalat centre in Hanamkonda on Saturday in the presence of Deputy Chief Minister Kadiam Srihari, former Cricketer Krishnamachary Srikkanth, MP P Dayakar, Mayor Narender, Collector Amra Pali and others, KTR launched TASKRegional Center on the NIT Campus in Warangal here. On the occasion, TASK has signed deals with four companies for providing training and skills as part of its programs.
Speaking on the occasion, the minister tried to inspire the students by saying that they should be tough and take on challenges and overcome problems of any sort during their educational period. To become successful in the life, one should be strong enough to take on conditions which will give you much trouble and difficulties he said, adding that “we have to cope with the things in the real life to face anything. This is possible only when the youth and students are strong and understand different situations that they face. Soon we will start an IT Park and Textile Park in Warangal, set up TASK IT Center with Rs 25 crore. The students should train and get skills in the center to face the problems by making use of the TASK”, he asked. He said the State government has plans to set up an industrial corridor between Hyderabad and Warangalin order to provide jobs to the youth.
Srihari urged KTR to set up an incubation center and build an IT Tower to provide jobs and employment to youth. Stating that Warangal youth are talented, Srihari said on expansion of IT Park here they will get more jobs.
KTR young & dynamic: Srikkanth
Former Cricketer Krishnamachary Srikkanth appreciated KTR as a dynamic leader. He said the Telangana Government was doing very well with several schemes being implemented. Telangana State is in the forefront in development. “Our target is to increase communication skills among the students and will sure succeed in our efforts under KTR Captaincy”, he added. Warangal West MLA D Vinay Bhaskar, TASK CEO Sujiv Nair and IT Secretary Jayesh Ranjan and local people’s representatives and officials were present. (NSS)