New Delhi: Cyber expert Pawan Duggal on Tuesday said the exemption of social media websites and applications from the purview of the National Encryption Policy will not solve the problem of cyber security.
“We have to ask is how this policy will contribute towards cyber security of India. By giving these exemptions, the policy is effectively pushing all users not to come under the ambit of policy but start using this mass encryption products which are exempted for the purpose of not just transacting, but also engaging in cyber criminals and terrorist activities,” Duggal told ANI here.
“The clarification that has come from the ministry is a step in the right direction. It is recognition of the fact that there were some intrinsic problems in the draft encryption policy and that’s why the proposed exemption have been granted. The intrinsic policy in the draft still remains. The requirement of users to retain 90 days data pertaining to the encrypted messages that they send in the cut copy paste format in the text message still remains,” he added.
Meanwhile, the Department of Electronics and Information Technology on Tuesday said that social media websites and applications such as WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter will be exempted from the purview of the National Encryption Policy.
The clarification from the government came after public outrage following the new draft proposal, which mandated storing messages that people send through WhatsApp, SMS, e-mail or any such service. (ANI)