Execution by sword: Saudi Arabia awards capital punishment to 12 people in 10 days

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is reportedly practicing execution by the sword. In 10 days, the country has awarded capital punishment to 12 people.

As per a rights organization, out of the 12 people, most of them were beheaded with sword.

The execution surprised the world as earlier, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia vowed to reduce such punishments.

The defendants were facing non-violent drug charges. They include three Pakistanis, four Syrians, two Jordanians and three Saudis.

As per reports, the number of people executed this year crossed the total number of capital punishments in 2020 and 2021.

Countries that carry out capital punishment

Most of the developed countries across the world have abolished capital punishment. However, in exceptional cases, the United States, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, and South Korea carry out the punishment.

Although most countries across the world abolished the punishment, more than 60 percent of the world population still live in the countries where the death penalty is retained.

Almost all middle east countries carry out capital punishment. In 2021, Iran executed the highest number of people. It awarded capital punishment to 353 people in the year.

Capital punishment in India

In India, capital punishment is legal for some crimes. The executions are done by hanging.

Section 345(5) of CrPC mentions, ‘When any person is sentenced to death, the sentence shall direct that he be hanged by the neck till he is dead’.

However, in India, capital punishment is only awarded in the rarest of rare cases. The last execution in India took place in March 2020.