Panaji: Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on Tuesday said that while it was the democratic right of ex-servicemen to protest against the government’s version of the one rank one pension scheme (OROP), they were being ‘misguided’.
“It’s their democratic right (to protest), but I think they are misguided. If at all they have grievance they (ex-servicemen), they should put it before commission we are appointing. My major job was to get One Rank One Pension notification issued, which I have done. They must approach the Commission to discuss further problem. The demand which was not even considered for last 50 years has been more or less completed,” Parrikar said at the inauguration of ‘ICGS Samarth’ here
“Almost all major aspects of One Rank One Pension have been complied with. Commission is being appointed which will look into matters if remaining. If someone has a complaint, they can submit it to the commission, they need not return medals,” he added.
Parrikar further said it is his biggest achievement of the year as it was not an easy task.
The government had earlier notified the implementation of the OROP scheme that will guarantee equal pension to military personnel retiring at the same rank with the same length of service, regardless of the date of retirement.
The notification, however, failed to impress veterans and they are continuing with their agitation.(ANI)