Hyderabad: A man, who was constantly harassing a housewife on telephone, was convicted and sentenced by IV Special Metropolitan Magistrate, Nampally, to do social awareness service by standing at the traffic signal at Gun park, holding SHE team posters, till evening to make him realize his mistake and to mend his erring ways.
Swati Lakra IPS, Addl.Commissioner of Police,
Crimes and SIT, Hyderabad City, in a pressnote here on Monday stated that a married woman, along with her husband came to SHE Teams office and lodged a complaint of harassment by a known person, who was also a distant relative to her. The complainant sated the accused was harassing her by making calls from different numbers moving near her house when her husband was away. Due to this unbearable harassment, the victim changed her SIM numbers several times. But the accused was finding out her new numbers and continued to harass her. Vexed with his atrocious behaviour, the victim switched off her mobile phone.
However, the accused M.A Raheem, 39, of Moula Ali, Secunderabad started calling her husband also and asking him to give the phone to his wife. Due to this, differences cropped in her family life. On the advice of marriage counsellors, the couple approached the SHE Teams. Based on her complaint, M.A Raheem was arrested, counseled and booked a petty case. The accused was produced before the IV Special Metropolitan Magistrate at Nampally, who sentenced the accused to do social awareness by standing at the Gun park traffic signal by holding SHE team posters, till evening to make him realize his mistake and to mend his ways. (NSS)