Finance Minister Etala Rajendar here on Monday released the diary of Telangana Economic & Statistical Subordinates Association (TESSA) “Agriculture at a Glance Telangana 2014-15” in the D block seminar hall in the Secretariat.
Speaking on the occasion, Eatala said Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao gives a lot of importance to statistics as they help the government formulate pucca programs. He also felt that no government in the world can formulate new developmental plans and welfare schemes without relying on proper statistics. He also reminded the department personnel that the State government had to take into account the statistics provided by the department on the number of marriages among Muslim and Dalit girls in a year before formulating the social welfare schemes like Shadi Mubarak and Kalyana Lakshmi schemes.
The minister also stressed the need for strengthening the Statistics department by filling vacant posts clear promotions of the staff. Stating that there was no dearth of respect for the Telangana employees, Etala exhorted the employees to work hard like members of a family and help restore the past glory of the department. Pointing out that presently the Telangana State Statistics Department ranked No. 1 in the country, he called upon the staffers to strive to provide correct information to the State government. (NSS)