On February 3, ESSO-INCOIS, an autonomous institution of Union Ministry of Earth Sciences will be completing 18 years of service. The Centre provides several ocean information services such as Tsunami Warning Service (which also serves the 23 countries in the Indian Ocean region), Potential Fishing Zone advisories, Ocean State forecasts, High wave alerts, Coral bleaching alerts, etc. The Centre is also part of international observational and research programs to study the deep oceans and climate variability.
To celebrate the special occasion, an “Open Event” program is being organized on February 3 to familiarize the students with the activities of the Centre. Schools and colleges willing to participate in the event, may contact Celsa Almeida on celsa.a@incois.gov.in/(040) 23886148 for registration. Unregistered groups shall not be entertained. Public is also encouraged to visit between 9.30 am and 12.30 pm, according to a pressnote released by K K V Chary, Dy. Chief Admn. Officer. (NSS)