Mumbai: Streaming platform Eros Now on Thursday received huge criticism on social media over its tweet on Navratri. Several sections are offended and trended #BoycottErosNow over the Navratri posts that the company shared on their social media handles recently.
Eros Now’s Navratri post
Ever since Navratri 2020 commenced on Saturday, Eros Now has been posting short videos and pictures from films produced by their company. Some pictures star Deepika Padukone from 2015’s Bajirao Mastani. Kareena Kapoor Khan also appears in her Chhammak Chhallo avatar from the 2011 film Ra.One. However, a film still, starring Katrina Kaif in a yellow saree, has specifically offended Twitter.
With some of their posts, Eros Now intended to suggest colours and fashion advice to their followers on social media for Navratri. “Red is confidence. Red is passion. Red is love. Red is the colour Navratri, Day 4! Take a look at how gorgeous #ErosNow leading ladies look in it,” Eros Now said in the caption of their post.
However, the intention behind Eros Now’s post under discussion – the one with Katrina Kaif – is a little unclear. The accompanying text says, “Do you want to put the ‘ratri’ in my Navratri?”
Netizens got offended and said that posts of Eros Now “mock Hinduism and its glorious festivals.”
An apology
Soon after receiving the flak from all sides of social media, Eros Now issued an apology through a tweet saying, “We at Eros love and respect our cultures equally. It is not, and it has never been, our intention to hurt anyone’s emotions. We have deleted the concerned posts and we apologise for having offended anybody’s sentiments.”
Check out the tweet below:
Kangana Ranaut reacts
Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut also reacted to the trend and said that ‘all streaming platforms are nothing but a porn hub.’ Kangana added that one must preserve cinema as a ‘community viewing theatre experience’.
Kangana in another tweet said that it was not different for international platforms, the content was ‘sensational’ as ‘overtly sexual, deeply gruesome brutal, violent content’ was being manufactured to ‘arouse the viewer’s sexual appetite’ and that it was hard to clear.
Eros Now is an OTT video on-demand entertainment and media platform launched in 2012 which is owned by Eros Digital.