In order to struggle jointly to eradicate communalism, an all party meeting including Dalith organization is being held today after Magrib prayer at Urdu Ghar Mogalpura under the chairmanship of Mr. Mohammed Mustaq Malik, President of Muslim Shibban and Chairman of Telangana Muslim Joint Action Committee. Mr. Malik told that it is necessary to formulate a comprehensive plan to fight the communal forces like BJP and Sangh Parivar. The protection of the Muslims in Telangana area is also important. The need of the hour is to maintain the identity of our language and culture. In such a situation the unity between the Muslim and dalit organization is essential. Mr. M.A. Basith, former chairman of standing committee of GHMC and Mr. M.A. Gaffar, Vice President of Telangana Muslim JAC have requested the concerned citizens to attend this meeting.
–Siasat News