New Delhi: The era of Parveen Togadia, who was famous for his venom spitting against Muslims, has ended. He is replaced by Justice Vishnu Sadashiv Kokje as VHP international president. Mr Kokje defeated Raghava Reddy Chadha considered to be close to Togadia.
Out of 192 votes, Kokje got 131 votes while Raghav Chadha got 60. It must be noted that VHP was formed on August 29, 1964, since then no election was held. For the past 52 years, Togadia and company were the whole and sole of the party. Election of VHP international president was held for the first time in which Justice Kokje won. Togadia is a vocal critic of the Narendra Modi government, both indulge in a war of words. Togadia has made verbal attacks on Prime Minister several times. He has been demanding a law which could ensure construction of Babri Masjid in Ayodhya. Togadia has also said that if his party comes to power, he will make a law and deny the right to vote to Muslims. He is known for inflammatory speeches against Muslims.