New Delhi: As the first session of the 17th Lok Sabha began on Monday, environment-friendly battery operated golf carts were seen ferrying Lok Sabha staff inside the Parliament premises, seen as an attempt to contribute to keeping the pollution levels of the national capital down.
Lok Sabha Secretariat started this environment-friendly initiative to reduce the levels of air pollution in the capital last year.
The electric golf cart can ferry six people at one go and is used inside the Parliament premises.
The National Capital of Delhi has been in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) list of ‘most polluted cities of the world’ for the past few years and the city has seen alarming pollution levels every year.
In this background, operating such battery operated cars is a symbolic attempt of measures being taken by government officials to make the capital’s air quality better.
“This battery rickshaw is dedicated to all Lok Sabha staff, it was begun with two vehicles and six more battery rickshaws are expected to join the service.” Rinku Chaudhary, a driver of battery golf cart told ANI.