Engineer/Technical Assistant/Operator at BEL

Engineer/Technical Assistant/Operator

Mode of Selection

The selection for the above posts will be through written test followed by an interview of

shortlisted candidates.

General Information

For post at Sr.No.5 to 11 – Candidates who have registered themselves in any of the Employment

Exchanges in Maharashtra only need apply.

For Sr.No.1 to 4 – In addition to Basic pay, other allowances like Dearness Allowance, HRA,

Conveyance Reimbursement, PDA, Canteen Allowance, LTA, Medical Allowance, Telephone

Reimbursement, Education Allowance, Superannuation Contribution, MPI, PF, etc as per Company

rules will be part of the remuneration package.

For Sr.No.5 to 11 – In addition to Basic pay, other allowances like Dearness Allowance, HRA,

Conveyance Reimbursement, Canteen Allowance, LTA, Medical Allowance, Education Allowance,

PPI, PF, etc as per Company rules will be part of the remuneration package.

Application of GEN / OBC candidates should be accompanied by crossed Demand Draft drawn in on

any scheduled bank (preferably SBI) in favour of BEL Optronics Devices Limited, Pune.

Candidates working in PSUs /Govt. Organisations are required to submit their application through

proper channel or produce No Objection Certificate at the time of the interview.

Candidates call ed for interview will be reimbursed to and fro train fare (II class) by the shortest

route on production of the railway ticket receipts as per Company rules.

Candidate Profile

Canvassing in any form will result in disqualifiaction. The number of posts indicated above, may

vary based on the actual requirement at the time of selection. Relaxation in age / experience may

be considered for deserving candidates based on merit at the discretion of Management.

Applications that are incomplete, not in the prescribed format , not legible , without the required

enclosures will be summarily rejected without assigning any reasons and no correspondence in this

regard will be entertained.

Only Indian nationals need apply. Candidates who had applied for the above posts in the past need

not a pply.

How To Apply

Interested candidates may send the applications through post/courier, superscribing on the envelop

the post applied for, in the downloadable application format available on the Company’s website

(, along with the application, a recent passport size photograph, copies of

SSLC/Matriculation Certificate, Graduation marks cards ( all semesters/years),Degree

Certificate,marks cards of all semesters/years of PG degree, PG degree certificate, Caste

certificate, PWD certificate(if applicable), copy of Employment Exchange registration Card for Post

at Sr.No.5 to 11 and other relevant certificates . Applications submitted in the above format with

all relevant enclosures will only be accepted.

The applications are to be sent to the following address On or before 15. 01.2014.

Postal Address

Head – HR, BEL Optronic Devices Limited,

EL – 30, ’J’ Block,

Bhosari Industrial Area,

Pune – 411 026.

Click Here For Details