Jaipur, September 02: Bollywood star Salman Khan was in Jaipur promoting Dabangg at an engineering college on Tuesday. While students mobbed him, Salman casually grabbed the mike and jokingly told the principal of the college that he should declare a holiday on the next day. To his surprise, the principal agreed and made a public announcement declaring Wednesday a holiday, says a media report .
A source present with Salman reveals, “He was doing his rounds promoting the film in Jaipur. First he stopped at the Umang School (they work for the rehabilitation of the disabled). He spent time with the kids there and even made a `11-lakh donation. After that, he went to the Deepshikha Regional Engineering College where he was mobbed by students.”
He insisted on spending more time with the students than needed. When asked for a wish, the students unanimously asked for a holiday.
“Salman took the mike and sweetly requested the principal if he could give the students a holiday the next day. The students started cheering and clapping. The principal gave in and declared Wednesday as a holiday for the college,” adds the source.