Hyderabad: It is agitating to note that even encrypted Data is also breached. It is a growing concern, Jayesh Ranjan, Senior Government official of the Government of Telangana said, while talking to Data Professionals at the Inauguration of India’s first ever International Data Science Technology Conference for SDGs- Sustainable Development Goals.
The conference attended by industry experts is organised jointly by Indo-Nordic Innovation Acceleration Clusters(INIAC) and DAV Data Solutions, India.
It is organised as part of the week long “Indo Data Week”. Under this a week long activities planned which include Conference, Boot Camp, Hackathon and others.
We are all excited by Data Science and it’s importance. But at the same time, we need to be more vigilant about Data Privacy and Data Protection, Ranjan said.
Jayesh Ranjan, who was the Chief Guest at the conference observed that we can not compromise on the privacy. We have done lot of work in the area of Data Science. We were the first state in the country to craft a clear cut policy. Though Sikkim was the first state, but compared to the size of that state, Telangana was the first large state in India to come out with the dedicated policy on matters related to Data. The policy which was announced in 2016 was well appreciated. We have put some government data on the Public Platform. This open Data is very rich in content. It has information on 150 plus companies and is the single source of ready reckoner on 250 relevant resources. It provides real-time wealth of information on Agriculture, Agri produces’ prices, spatial data such as the information of market yards etc.
But, we have done very little on Healthcare due to privacy and security related issues, Ranjan informed
We have a partnership with Ola Mobility Institute. Under this, Ola shares intelligent data to help augment the Government’s efforts to manage road traffic and congestion. The partnership is to create tools using mobility data to support city-based transport planning and governance, he informed.
Jayesh Informed to several Indian and abroad delegates and Data Scientists that Telangana State declared the year 2020 as “Year of Artificial Intelligence” to promote its use in various sectors, including agriculture, urban transportation and healthcare. This initiative announced in partnership with IT industry body NASSCOM. During this year we will put up Data Exchange set up. He asked the organisers of the Indo Data Week to reach out and engage Government on useful practices of Data in Governments.
UNDP-United Nations Development Program- India is the lead agency to support government to achieve SDGs, so that no one is left behind unserved by the governments, said Gurpreet Bhatia, State Project Head for Telangana, UNDP. Having Data alone won’t be of much help. It is how we make use of that to take an informed decisions is important she said. Telangana is ahead of many states in using new wave of technologies. The youth has to get skilled in Data Science to innovate for solutions we are looking for on SDGs.
Anjali Viramani Paul , INIAC Advisor, Sweden said the conference was a marriage between all stake holders. The goal of this conference is to get people collaborate on SDGs. My participation in the conference is giving back to the country of my birth, she stated.
Deepthi Ravuri, CEO of We Hub said, our end customer is women who want to become entrepreneurs. What we look forward to from this conference was Capacity and Leadership; Creating Tools & Data and Creating more research.
Ronald Buijsse, Data Expert Program for Professionals , Jheronimus Academy of Data Science; Anna Ljungbergh, Angel Investor Stockholm, Sweden; Joeri van Geelan, Founder & CEO, Build Block Group; Ms. Parvathy Krishnan, DAV Director, India have participated in the two day conference which will conclude tomorrow.
The participants include Data Science enthusiasts and professionals from around the globe to share ideas, inspire each other and build their professional network. Each speaker at IDW’19 next two days will cover one fo the 17 sustainable goals. They will be sharing real-time use cases on how data and AI (Artificial Intelligence) are used to solve societal challenges and bring about community-based transformation.
An industry expo was organized in conjunction with the conference featuring MUST Foundation, Syndicate Impex, a startup that produces T-Shirts from discarded pet bottles. Mallabadi Creations, an eco art enterprise.
The goal of this conference was to bring together practitioners of Data Science, thereby facilitating public-private partnerships to help accelerate the achievement of SDGs by 2030.
Vishwanath Mallabadi, a senior consultant Wipro in his individual capacity exhibited Eco-Art objects made of Computer waste. They were centre of the attraction the conference
Sundicate Impex from Thirpur exhibited T-Shirts made out of recycled PET Water Bottles.