New Delhi: Release of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s biopic “PM Narendra Modi” has been stopped by the Election Commission till the end of national elections on May 19. Effectively banning the screening of the film, just a day before its release, the commission said that any biopic “which has the potential to disturb the level playing field during the elections should not be displayed in the electronic media.”
As reported by NDTV, the commission, in its order outlining its decision, said it was vital that “the power of media is not used in such a manner which affects the general conduct” of the elections.
Earlier, refusing to consider a petition by a Congress leader seeking to stop the release of the film the Supreme Court had said, “too much of court time is wasted on these non-issues”. It also said it was for the Election Commission to decide if the film tilted the balance in favour of the ruling BJP.
Congress in the petition had alleged that the film’s release close to the national election violated the model code of conduct, saying it was designed to “manipulate, influence and impress viewers and voters”.