Washington, July 05: The warming of the tropical Pacific Ocean has long been known to affect weather around the world, but researchers now say it may come in two forms with different impacts.
The traditional El Nino tends to reduce the number of Atlantic hurricanes. But a form Georgia Tech University scientists call El Nino Modoki can lead to more hurricanes than usual in the Atlantic Ocean. Modoki, from Japanese, refers to something that is “similar but different”.
The traditional El Nino involves a periodic warming of the water in the eastern part of the tropical Pacific. Indeed, it was first noticed by Peruvian fishermen, who named it after the baby Jesus because it tended to first appear around the end of December.
In El Nino Modoki, on the other hand, the warming occurs farther to the west, in the central Pacific.
More Atlantic hurricanes
It is not clear why this new form is occurring, said Peter J Webster, a professor at Georgia Tech’s School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and a co-author of a report on the finding in Friday’s edition of the journal Science.
“It may be responding to some (climate) oscillation or it may be in response to global warming,” Webster said in a telephone interview.
Regardless of the cause, improved understanding of El Nino and its cold-water counterpart La Nina could help atmospheric scientists better forecast weather, including the number of Atlantic hurricanes.
Traditionally, La Nina has been associated with more Atlantic hurricanes than normal and El Nino with fewer.
Just last month government forecasters reported signs that an El Nino may be developing in the Pacific.
So which type might it be?
“We spent all last week trying to figure that out,” Webster said. ‘It looks like it might be a hybrid,” with warming starting in the east and them moving west, possibly meaning more hurricanes late in the season.
Co-author Judith A Curry said she feels that “there is about a 50% chance that we could have one of the Modoki years emerging by late summer”.
“We’ll have to see how it plays out, but we could be seeing increased (hurricane) activity,” Curry, chair of atmospheric sciences at Georgia Tech, said in a telephone interview.
Greg J Holland of the National Centre for Atmospheric Research welcomed the study, saying it “has important consequences for the predictability of global weather patterns”.
Predicting the number of Atlantic hurricanes may be improved by breaking El Nino into two modes, eastern Pacific warming and central Pacific warming, Holland, who was not part of the research team, said in a commentary on the paper.
Curry explained that the Modoki version of El Nino had been looked at in general by Japanese and Korean researchers, but not in relation to hurricanes. Joining in the project was research scientist Hye-Mi Kim who came to Georgia Text from Korea, she said.