The India Meteorological Department on Thursday issued heat wave warning for eight states of India, forecasting that the temperatures will soar above normal between April and June.
At least eight states including Telangana will face heat-wave conditions in the next two days, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecasted.
Maximum temperatures are likely to rise by 2-4 degrees C over the plains of north-west India, by 2-3 degrees C over central India and by 1-2 degrees C over west India, Telangana and Rayalaseema during the next two to three days, the IMD said.
On Thursday, the highest maximum temperature recorded was 45 degrees Celsius in Odisha where, according to officials, 30 casualties due to heat waves were reported as of Thursday. “We are carrying out inquiries to see if these were indeed heat-wave related,” said P.K Mohapatra, special relief commissioner, Odisha.
“The state has seen unusually high temperatures this year since February, and temperatures this week went up to 45.8 degrees C, which is the highest recorded in 100 years,” he said.
As many parts of India battle drought or drought-like conditions for the second successive year, ordinary citizens are facing the brunt.
However, there might be some relief later as the IMD on Tuesday forecasted an above average monsoon this year.