New Delhi: Recently, Mumbai Anti Terrorism Squad raided the house of Hindu organization member and seized around 8 crude bombs as well the raw material. The accused Vaibhav Rawat is allegedly a member of Hindu organization called Sanatan Sanstha.
On Thursday evening, ATS raided Vaibhav Rawat’s house and shop where they found a huge amount of explosive material as well as 8 crude live bombs.
The explosive material included gunpowder, sulfur and some detonators have been found from his shop. As per the estimation, the recovered explosive raw material is enough to prepare around 2 dozen bomb.
The Mumbai ATS team had been monitoring Vaibhav’s activities for a long period.
Search operations continued till early Friday, while during the raid accused Vaibhav was also present in his house.
Currently, the accused is arrested and taken into the police custody.
–Courtesy “Muslim Mirror“