Patna, September 02: The police firing which claimed four lives in June this year overshadowed the Eid festivity in Bhajanpur village of Forbesganj block in Araria district. The local Muslims faced unexpected heavy presence of police force following the imposition of Article 144 on the day of Eid on 31st August. The administration was apprehending outbreak of anger over the June 3 firing. Nothing happened. The Muslims didn’t even come out of the village to offer Eid prayers.
Their approach road to the Eidgah was blocked by upcoming Auro Sundaram Pvt Ltd on June 3, 2011. When the villagers came out to protest, police opened fire indiscriminately killing an infant, a pregnant woman and two youth of something 20. This Eid was the first festival after the gruesome killings by the police and expectedly the gloom was writ large over.
In protest against the blockade of their road and the firing, the people did not go to the Eidgah. Wearing black armbands, they offered Eid Prayers inside the village.
Trashing all demands of compensation to the victims and probe of the firing by CBI, the state government has constituted one-man judicial commission. The government has not given any compensation amount to the victims except the six-month old infant Sahil who was killed in the lap of her mother when the duo were returning from hospital on the fateful Friday of June 3.