News Delhi : Contradictory images went viral on social media showing the streets of Dhaka filled with animal blood. Prestigious media like CNN, India Today and The quint etc republished those photo shop images which misled audience on social media.
Later on it was proved the images were created by using photo-shop software to color the rainy water on the roads of Dhaka and many online media used these pictures without verification. It shows how irresponsible the media has turned these days.
Media misled the readers?
It may be noted that Media houses such as CNN and India Today had shared stories about Blood on Dhaka street without verifying the pictures.
The story titled,”Bangladesh: Rivers of blood run through Dhaka after animal sacrifices’‘ published by CNN is one such story based on Photo-shopped pictures.
India Today in its story, ”How Dhaka streets transformed into blood streams after Eid sacrifices and rain” falsely displayed, Horrific streams of blood were seen on Dhaka streets after Eid-al-Adha celebrations on Tuesday.
The Quint in its story titled, Paying the Price for Eid: Rivers of Blood Flow Through Dhaka also published these Photo-shop pictures. One thing in common is that almost all of these News Websites have taken Pictures from Twitter user Edward Rees without verification.