New Delhi: The Janata Dal (United) on Saturday condemned the remarks over beef made by senior Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Giriraj Singh, saying that he has a habit of making provocative remarks and thus the Election Commission should take cognizance and strict action against him.
“Giriraj Singh is the same leader who said that those not voting for BJP should go to Pakistan. The Election Commission should take cognizance of his statement and should take strict action against him for repeatedly violating the Model Code of Conduct,” JD (U) leader K.C. Tyagi told ANI.
Earlier, Giriraj Singh made another off-the-cuff, bizarre remark by saying that the difference between beef and mutton is the same as the difference in the relationship with wife with sister.
His comment came after a forensic test confirmed that the meat found in Mohammed Akhlaq’s house, who was beaten to death over rumours that he had stored beef at his residence, was mutton and not beef. (ANI)