New Delhi: The Election Commission (EC) on Friday lodged a police complaint against unknown persons for spreading “fake news” about non-resident Indians (NRIs) being allowed to vote online in the coming Lok Sabha elections.
In a letter to Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP), New Delhi district, the EC said that publication of such fake news using the logo of the EC was causing “severe confusion in the public, thereby creating public nuisance and mischief”.
“The unauthorised use of EC logo and the completely false statement regarding online voting seems to be done with a deliberate intent to cause mischief and mislead the public,” the EC complaint read.
The poll panel said it has already asked Twitter and WhatsApp to remove this fake news from their platforms.
It said the false news and unauthorised use of EC logo was violative of various sections of the Indian Penal Code and asked the police to lodge an FIR and “promptly investigate” the matter.