Kalraj Mishra, Minister for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises and BJP veteran from Uttar Pradesh has said that it is “alright” to eat beef if you are eating it on individual level”.
Speaking to The Indian Express, Mishra said: “If people eat beef, how can you stop them?” its one own choice, how can we interfere in others life? but projecting it in a collective manner with slogans gives an impression that you are doing it to hurt the sentiments of others. This should be avoided,” he added.
According to Mishra the beef issue was being talked up “to divide the society”. “This is dangerous for Indians and it will affect the country’s image.
“The majority of people doesn’t want beef ban, as many people consume beef. At an individual level, it’s alright… If you want to eat beef, please go ahead. But keep in mind the sentiments of others. Those who don’t like it (beef), why go that way,” he added in the same breath.
He said issues which spread hatred among communities like cow slaughter and beef would only result in communal riots and a loss for all. “Today, there is need for good faith and friendship. Only development-based politics will benefit BJP,” he said.
Mishra said that though people were blaming the BJP for such hatred or violence, but other parties too are actively keeping the pot boiling,” he said.