Deputy Chief Minister Md Mahmood Ali attended the annual day function of Leelabai Motilal Tondwale High School in Rikabgunj in Ravindra Bharati here on Sunday.
Speaking on the occasion, the Deputy CM appreciated and praised the Agrawal Siksha Samiti for their relentless efforts in providing quality education in the old city where children, irrespective of their caste and creed were provided free education. It has created a benchmark of excellence for themselves in providing education from KG to PG under their umbrella, which is unimaginable as to what kind of efforts could have gone in to continue the mark of excellence for the last 90 years. He also acknowledged the Agrawal Samaj on the whole for their social commitment in addressing and providing services to upliftment of the down trodden.
S.Niranjan Reddy, Vice Chairman Planning Commission, Government of Telangana, Ashok Chand Agarwal, President, Pramod Kumar Kedia, Vice President Mukundlal Agarwal, Hon.Secretary, R.A. Agrawal, Chairman Trust Board and Leela Agarawal, Correspondent of the Agrawal Siksha Samiti were also present. (INN)