Hyderabad: Taking a serious note of the news item published in Siasat Urdu Daily, Dy. CM of Telangana State, Mr. Mohammed Mahmood Ali instructed the officials of Telangana State Minorities Finance Corporation to include Urdu in its logo. He admitted that the officials of Finance Corporation have made a mistake which needs to be rectified. He further told that it is not appropriate to neglect Urdu since Govt. of Telangana is serious about the use and promotion of Urdu language in Govt. offices. All the Minorities Institutions should prefer use Urdu language.
He also instructed Director of Minorities Welfare Department and District Minorities Welfare Officer to make arrangements for the payment of security guard of Public Garden mosque who did not received his salary for the past 18 months. He got irritated at the officials of the department. It was a result of the news published in Siasat Urdu Daily. He advised the officials of the Department of Minorities Welfare to take steps for the enhancement of salaries of mosque staff.
–Siasat News