Deputy Chief Minister Mohammed Mahamood Ali today directed the officials concerned to make all arrangements for successful conduct of first Tablighi Ijtema – a national-level Muslim Minorities’ Congress to be held for three days at Pahadi Sharef Bypass Road under Saroornagar Mandal of Ranga Reddy district.
Accompanied by MLAs Teegala Krishna Reddy, Ahmed Bin Abdullah Balala, Tablighi chief Anjum and other officials, Mahmood Ali inspected the ground meant for the meeting to be attended by over five lakh people and delegates from across the nation. Ali instructed the officials to ensure that all the facilities like drinking water and power be supplied free of cost to them during the program and help make it a grand success.
The Deputy Chief Minister made it clear that the entire expenditure for the national conclave will be borne by the Telangana Government. It may be noted here that Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao had directed the officials to do so when AIMIM Chief and Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi called on him for the same. (NSS)