The grand opening of Atlantic Speciality Hospital was held at Retibowli, Pillar No 34 on Saturday. Deputy Chief Minister Mohammed Mahmood Ali inaugurated the hospital. Medical Director Aleemuddin Khan, MD showed modern equipments and various departments to deputy Chief Minister.
Majeedullah Khan Managing Director, Mr. Khudadad Khan, Chairman Adroid company Dubai, Taher Jameel, Abid Shahi Vali, Ahmed Moinuddin Khan Azeem NRI Dubai, Ibrahimullah Khan NRI Dubai, Mohammed Moosa Khan NRI, Dubai, Dr. Ghouse Mohiuddin medical professional, Dr. Mohammed Rafeeq incharge Shadan Medical College and hospital, Mohammed Moid Engineer Jeddah Saudi Arabia, Dr. Mahboob Badshah Kuwait and others were present on the occasion.
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