Dubai’s book-shaped library opens to the public on June 16

The spectacular Dirhams one-billion book-shaped Mohammed Bin Rashid Library (MBRL) has been inaugurated by UAE Vice-President on Monday evening. However, the cultural destination will be open to the public on Thursday, June 16. 

According to Jamal Al Shehhi, board member of the MBRL, entry to the library is free, but visitors must download the MBRL app and register for a spot to visit. The library will be open from 9 am to 7 pm and will remain shut on Sunday. Al Shehhi who hosted journalists for a media tour of the venue said, “Those interested will be able to register for yearly memberships soon.” 

The seven-storey building has more than a million books and six million research theses. The attraction has almost 73,000 music scores, 75,000 videos, 13,000 articles and more than 5,000 historical print and digital journals within an archive covering 325 years.

It also showcases about 35,000 print and digital newspapers from around the world and mostly 500 rare momentos.

At first sight, the structure looks like an open book. It is, in fact, designed in the shape of rehl, the traditional wooden book rest used to hold the holy Quran.