Dubai ruler pardons 971 prisoners ahead of Ramzan

Abu Dhabi: Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, on Wednesday ordered the release of 971 prisoners, ahead of the holy month of Ramzan, the Dubai Media Office (DMO) reported.

This humanitarian gesture will give inmates of correctional and penal institutions in Dubai, a second chance at life.

UAE leaders usually pardon hundreds of prisoners each year in keeping with the spirit of the holy month.

Attorney General of Dubai Chancellor Essam Issa Al Humaidan said the pardon reflects Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s keenness to reunite the pardoned individuals with their families during the Holy Month

On Tuesday, President Sheikh Mohammed pardoned 1,025 prisoners before the start of Ramzan.

The humanitarian gesture to release prisoners before Ramzan, which was also made during religious holidays and other national occasions, aims to reward prisoners who have sought rehabilitation and release burdens from their families.