A 37-year-old Indian janitor stole Dh7,300 cash from his company in Dubai. He later called his employer to apologise for the theft.
Reports from the Dubai Court of First Instance suggest that the robbery took place earlier this year in October. After discovering the theft, the businessman, who is also an Indian, then reported the theft to Al Refaa Police station.
“I summoned all employees and asked them about the money. I said I would alert the police. Everyone denied knowing anything about the theft. After I left the company, the suspect called me to tell me that he stole the money while cleaning the office,” he said in official records.
“He apologised and told me that he borrowed money from his friends to pay for his ailing mother’s treatment and that he stole the money to pay his debts,” he added.
According to the reports, the defendant admitted to the crime and the final verdict will be announced on 31st December.