Ali bin Rabi’ah reported: In my presence, a beast was brought to Ali bin Abu Talib (RadiyAllahu Anhu) for riding. When he put his foot in the stirrup, he said:
(With the Name of Allah).
When he had settled himself on its back he recited:
“Al-hamdu lillahil-ladhi sakh-khara lana hadha, wa ma kunna lahu muqrinin, wa inna ila Rabbina lamunqalibun.”
(All praise belongs to Allah Who has made this subservient to us, for we had not the strength to overpower it; and to our Rubb shall we return).
He then recited thrice: “Alhamdu lillah”
(Praise be to Allah),
and then three times: “Allahu Abkar”
(Allah is Greatest).”
Then he said:
“Subhanaka inni zalamtu nafsi faghfir li, innahu la yaghfirudh-dhunuba illa Anta”
(You are far removed from imperfection I have wronged myself, so forgive me, because none but You can forgive sins).
Then he smiled. It was asked: “Why have you smiled, O Amir Al-Mu’minin (Leader of the Believers)?”
He replied:
“I saw the Messenger of Allah (Sallellahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) doing as I have done. I asked him the reason for smiling. He (S.A.W.S.) said:
“Your Rubb, Glorious is He, is pleased when His slave seeks His forgiveness. He (the slave) has firm faith that none except Allah Alone can forgive sins.”
[Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi]
After putting his foot into the stirrup, the rider should say: “Bismillah (With the Name of Allah).” When he sits firm on the animal, he should recite the prayers mentioned in this Hadith and utter the Glorification and Magnification of Allah – “Al-hamdu lillah (Praise be to Allah)” and “Allahu Akbar (Allah is Greatest).” Moreover, this Hadith sheds light on the tremendous and matchless fervour of the Companions to follow the Prophet (S.A.W.S.). This Dua is not restricted to riding an animal, but includes all means of transportation, such as the plane, the train and the car, etc.