Dropbox to merge newly acquired iOS photo app ‘Loom’, with Caraousel

Dropbox has acquired iOS photo app ‘Loom’ and will soon merge it into their photo app ‘Carousel,’ which they announced a week ago.

According to Cnet, the cloud storage company will fuse the two apps by 16th May and Loom’s eight-person team will join Dropbox on Carousel project.

The new app will provide user with storage quota in the cloud charging a subscription fee. Alike Loom, Caraousel will also offer users to click pictures without worrying about using their phone’s storage getting used.

Loom co-founder, Jan Senderek said that they know that it is a big deal and the decision was taken with great care.

The existing Loom’s user will be offered the same storage quota in the new app without any cost, for an entire year, the reports added. (ANI)