In the name of ‘War against terror’ the former American president George Bush, had declared invasion on Iraq and Afghanistan as “crusades” and Muslims’ jihad as “Muslim terrorism”. Since then American Muslims have been dwelling in the realm of suspicion. Now the situation has reached to such an extent that a committee of American Congress instigated a series of hearings on Muslim radicalization.
House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Peter King has left no stone unturned to make Americans suspicious of Muslims. Representative Peter King has to say that Muslims are becoming radicals or have been recruited by Al-Qaeda.
Fortunately among the officials who spread hatred against Muslims, there are also some officials who declare Muslims as the best citizens. Representative Keith Ellison’s statement is praiseworthy in which he stayed away from charging Muslims as radicals. His claim is also worthy of importance that singling out one group and associating the whole group with terrorism is unfair.
Republican Party chairman Peter King represents New York City where the Twin Towers collapsed in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. Holding Al-Qaeda responsible for that terror activity, a powerful American group is trying to defame Muslims for the past nine and a half years. The credit goes to the former president George Bush’s anti-Muslim bigotry campaign. Even today a large number of Americans are provoked against Muslims. They are declared as modern Nazis and are associated with Al-Qaeda. This kind of campaign will be harmful not only for American society but for the entire global human society. Because anti-Muslim bigotry, linking American Muslims with terrorism may be the political gimmick of ruling power but the ruling class can’t forget the fact that American Muslims have extended utmost cooperation to their countrymen after 9/11. Besides ‘war on terror’ after the incident of twin tower in New York, Muslims all over the world have taken part in war against radicalism.
The ongoing Congressional hearings assume importance due to the fact that there are groups supporting Muslims too. Keith Ellison in his emotional statement informed the congress about the selfless sacrifices made by the American Muslims. Islamic world needs to closely review the intentions behind raising discussions on the radicalization of the American Muslim community.
Western countries’ rising interest in the people’s uprising in the Muslim countries including Middle East is also meaningful. Republican Representatives such as Peter King are not leaving any stone unturned to make the people suspicious of Muslims. By promoting former president George Bush’s ideologies what purpose are they serving? This question can be asked by American Muslims only. While this fact is also open, that American Muslims have more than once proved their patriotism. The sacrifice of American Muslim Mohammad Salman Hamdani is also remarkable who lost his life while rescuing the victims from the debris of twin towers in New York. Some people spread false rumors and speculated that he was in league with the attackers only because he was Muslim. It was only when his remains were identified that these lies were fully exposed.
Keith Ellison, representative of Minnesota paid tribute to Mohammad Salman Hamdani with tears in his eyes and declared him as American brother. From this fact it is disclosed that some anti Muslim forces are active in America who are trying to link Muslims with terrorism and the remaining American citizens recognize their Muslim countrymen as their brothers. The political strategies which are creating confusion in political situations and among American people are inducing to make Muslims as an important strategy. This needs to be paid immediate attention.