Dr Vijay Yeldandi, who is a specialist in Infectious Disease and Public Health, professor of Medicine and Surgery, at University of Illinois, Chicago gives a short talk on the containment of the virus on his YouTube channel ‘Vijay Yeldandi’.
Dr Yeldandi says, the coronavirus which is spreading at an alarming rate can be controlled with three simple steps:
Social Distancing

He says, first we should know that this virus is airborne. When someone coughs or sneezes, the droplets spread in the air. These droplets fall down within a distance of 3-4 feet. Therefore, we should maintain a physical distance of 3 feet with a sick person so that there is a less possibility of the virus reaching to us.

Secondly, we should cover our nose and face with a mask. These days, masks are not available easily. We can use a clean cloth instead. This virus clings to our hands. Therefore, we and other people should wash hands thoroughly and frequently with soap.

Thirdly, this virus is very dangerous, because if someone coughs or sneezes the droplets fall down in the surroundings and stay there from 3-4 days. So, the surroundings must be cleaned with household bleach or soap or with 70% alcohol. There is no need to do more than this. World Health Organisation (WHO) has also confirmed recently that the virus remains in the atmosphere for 8 hours. Therefore, the use of mask is necessary.

In the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic and in 1950’s polio pandemic, medicines and vaccines were not available. So, these pandemics were controlled with these easy methods.
Dr Yeldandi insists on social distancing. If anybody has got infection, we should maintain social distance with him. If we visit someone, we should not shake hands with him, we should wish him from a distance. Social distancing may not be for us, but it is for everyone.
The people who come under high risk categories are: elderly people, those who have weak immune system and pregnant women.
Dr Yeldandi says, with these three simple things, Covid-19 can be contained effectively.