Arvind Kejriwal in interview to various channels told that Congress has refused to make an alliance with AAP. According to him, Congress wants to go solo in Delhi. Hence both the parties would contest separately in Delhi.
According to Kejriwal, in the previous Lok Sabha elections, his party got 33 pc votes while Congress got 15 pc votes; and BJP got 45 pc votes. According to Inquilab Kejriwal had told that if Congress and AAP would fight election together BJP will be clean bowled.
Kejriwal said that despite having political differences, he was ready to ally with Congress in the interest of the country. He said Modi-Shah duo should be removed from power because if they come to power again, they will change the constitution.
Arvind Kejriwal was but echoing the thoughts of all secular voters of the country. Majority of the secular-minded people feel that victory of secular forces is not sure without an alliance. Unfortunately, the Congress party preferred party interest over country interest.
The secular people have still hope that all the parties will sink their differences and work for the greater interest of the country.