Chennai, Nov 11 : Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K. Palaniswami on Wednesday launched a scathing attack on DMK President M.K. Stalin, saying the latter was leading a life without doing any profession/business.
Speaking to reporters in Tuticorin, Palaniswami said it is only the President of DMK who doesn’t have any business/profession.
“We have agriculture. What business does he have? Has he ever told about his business? Even though I am in politics, my primary profession is agriculture,” he said.
Countering Stalin’s charge that he is a fake farmer, Palaniswami asked what did the DMK chief know about farming.
Palaniswami said that from his childhood, he has worked hard in farms and people in the farming sector know that.
The Chief Minister also said that it was Stalin as the state Industries Minister who sanctioned the expansion project for Vedanta Ltd copper smelter project/Sterlite Copper.
Palaniswami said it was Stalin who had allotted land for Sterlite Copper, terming the DMK chief as the primary cause for the whole problem related to the copper smelter plant.
Disclaimer: This story is auto-generated from IANS service.