Greater Hyderabad CPI secretary E T Narsimha here on Wednesday demanded that the State government distribute the thousands of acres of Bhoodan lands among the poor immediately.
Narsimha released a wall poster at Chatrinaka party office about the “Chalo Raj Bhavan” protest on October 28 demanding that the TRS government distribute Bhoodan lands among the poor immediately. Speaking on the occasion, Narsimha demanded that the government distribute the thousands of acres of land donated by philanthropic landlords during the Bhoodan Movement launched by late Sarvodaya leader Vinobha Bhave, among the poor homeless and landless immediately.
Stating that there were 16,000 acres of Bhoodan lands available in the Hyderabad and Ranga Reddy districts, the CPI leader demanded that the TRS government construct double bedroom houses for the homeless poor in the Greater Hyderabad and Old city. He also warned that if the government fails to act, the Greater Hyderabad CPI would launch a “Land Struggle” and distribute the Bhoodan lands among the have-nots.
Greater Hyderabad CPI leaders R Shankar Naik, Kamatam Yadagiri, Aleti Yadagiri, V N Rajkumar, Arif Khan, Nerlakanti Srikanth, AIYF State treasurer G Harinath Goud, M. Praveen Kumar, R Balakrishna, AITUC leader Venkatesh, Papaiah, AISF Greater leader Sunil and others were present. (NSS)