Only the customers having an average monthly consumption of up to 1,200 units per month during April to September 2014 can avail this scheme, TPDL said in a statement.
Under the scheme, TPDDL consumers in North and North-West Delhi can get discount of 50% on BEE 5-star rated ACs, Inverter ACs in exchange of their non-star ACs. It is applicable for both window and split ACs of 1 & 1.5 tonnes.
The scheme is available on various models of ACs from leading Brands such as Voltas, Hitachi and Godrej.
TPDDL CEO and MD Praveer Sinha said: “…we have been constantly advocating energy conservation schemes. Our demand side management schemes not only aim to reduce power consumption but also help customers in reducing spending on their electricity bills.”
The scheme has been targeted at households as the domestic sector accounts for almost 50 per cent of energy consumption in Delhi and ACs power consumption is a key component of the same.
TPDDL consumers can avail the scheme against their CA numbers (one AC per CA Number) mentioned in the electricity bills.