Hyderabad: Accusing the ruling YSR Congress of attacking BJP workers in Palnadu, Lanka Dinakar BJP Leader on Wednesday said that the Chief Minister Jagan Mohan Reddy must take strict action against his party workers for carrying out such attacks in the region.
Unfortunately, in the state of Andhra Pradesh, the ruling government led by Jagan Mohan Reddy is carrying out physical attacks on the political opponents, most particularly in Palnadu region. Such kind of politics should not be allowed. The Chief Minister must take stringent action against his party workers. BJP condemns these attacks,” he said while speaking to media persons in Hyderabad .
He also claimed that even the state police is not making efforts to stop these attacks in the state.
“Police is also not providing security and protection to the opposition party leaders. Both the police and YSR Congress are acting as a hand in glove. Peace and harmony have been affected. This also sends out a wrong signal to investors and also makes the living conditions of the residents miserable,” he further stated.
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